30.12.2007 21:08
Craciunul a trecut, vizite aksa, prieteni, betzii..a fost placut. Acum urmeaza un revelion sub semnul intrebarii...va fi unde, va fi cum...om trai si om vedea. Pana la urma, fie ce-o fi, e doar ink o petrecere, de ce ar avea ceva in plus sau in minus fatza de altele?De ce atata valva? Mare lucru, schimbam anul vechi pe unul nou, care va decurge asha cum il vom ajuta noi. Ce vrem sa ne aduca noul an? Noi vrem multe... Ce ne va aduce de fapt? Lucrcurile pe care ne vom stradui sa le obtzinem, asta ne va aduce. Nu o sa primim nimik de-a gata, totul servit pe o tava de argint. Vom primi ce meritam, vom primi lucruruile pentru care ne vom lupta. Asha k...un an nou fericit si muncitzi pt ceea ce vretzi sa primitzi :) A new year is waiting at the door. A new year, new hopes, new things to do for acheaving your goals. Yes, things to do, work for your dreams, for what you want, for what you need. Nothing will just come to you, no dream will just become real if don't strugle, if you don't work for it, if you don't try making it become real. So a new begining, a new fight, new goals to achieve, the things that make you happy. But which are your dreams, your hopes for this new year?What would you like to do?What would you like to see happen?What would you struggle for? Want me to give you the answer? Oh well, here it is...you don't know the answer, and i can't give it to you? Not because I'm beeing mean and i wouldn't want to, but because i don't know it either. If you don't know it, i can't help. I am you, so...all you know, is all i know.
Craciunul a trecut, vizite aksa, prieteni, betzii..a fost placut. Acum urmeaza un revelion sub semnul intrebarii...va fi unde, va fi cum...om trai si om vedea. Pana la urma, fie ce-o fi, e doar ink o petrecere, de ce ar avea ceva in plus sau in minus fatza de altele?De ce atata valva? Mare lucru, schimbam anul vechi pe unul nou, care va decurge asha cum il vom ajuta noi. Ce vrem sa ne aduca noul an? Noi vrem multe... Ce ne va aduce de fapt? Lucrcurile pe care ne vom stradui sa le obtzinem, asta ne va aduce. Nu o sa primim nimik de-a gata, totul servit pe o tava de argint. Vom primi ce meritam, vom primi lucruruile pentru care ne vom lupta. Asha k...un an nou fericit si muncitzi pt ceea ce vretzi sa primitzi :) A new year is waiting at the door. A new year, new hopes, new things to do for acheaving your goals. Yes, things to do, work for your dreams, for what you want, for what you need. Nothing will just come to you, no dream will just become real if don't strugle, if you don't work for it, if you don't try making it become real. So a new begining, a new fight, new goals to achieve, the things that make you happy. But which are your dreams, your hopes for this new year?What would you like to do?What would you like to see happen?What would you struggle for? Want me to give you the answer? Oh well, here it is...you don't know the answer, and i can't give it to you? Not because I'm beeing mean and i wouldn't want to, but because i don't know it either. If you don't know it, i can't help. I am you, so...all you know, is all i know.
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