You talk, I talk but we never say anything. We just talk about nothing. And when we do have something to talk about, we prefer keeping it quiet. There are those things that we don’t like talking about, those sweet secrets that will always be ours, and we like keeping it like that. Keep them closed in a silver box deep down our souls and it’s really hard to get there, so it’s safe.
Keep your words then...dont waste the magic of your ideeas and feelings. Hmmm Somethime silance make words precious. Othertime you can put them in your posture, in your touches, on your face...
Oricand vorbeste cineva el comunica ceva, faptul ca interlocutorul nu intelege mesajul nu inseamna ca acel cineva nu "a spus" nimic. Totul are un sens, rezultatele obtinute sau asteptate s-ar putea sa nu fie previzibile.
Dar ce te faci cand de fapt nu incearca sa comunice nimik ci doar sa umple un gol, doar sa rupa tacerea...
mesajele de dincolo de vorbe, din spatele cuvintelor, astea ash vrea sa le prind, sa prind sustratul, partea ascunsa a unui cuvant care pare simplu
Faptul ca nu ai planuit constient sa spui ceva cu un sens aparent realist nu inseamna ca nu ai zis nimic.
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